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Washing Hands: A Clean Slate for the Soul

Last week, someone asks me why I wash my hands if I’m not afraid of germs. This person is learning German New Medicine, which reveals that germs are not the cause of dis-ease but instead assist in the healing process after stress, acting as micro-surgeons during the repair phase. My initial response was simple: "I like clean hands when I eat." And I gave it no more thought until this morning, when I listened to the sermon in church. The story Father explained is that washing hands before eating is a ritual rooted in the traditions of the elders, hmmm… I begin to ponder further.

While the pastor is speaking, a thought comes to me: "Forgive me for the dirt I've picked up." It makes me reflect not only on the manual labor I’ve been doing but also on the unclean words I've accepted, the negative energy I've absorbed, and the actions I've taken that are possibly less than pure and loving. Life is messy, and sometimes we unknowingly carry the weight of these impurities, letting them linger in our hearts and minds… and perhaps on our hands, too?

As I look at my nail beds, I realize that some stains stick around for a while—they soak in and linger, sometimes for days or weeks. But if I keep washing, they too will eventually be washed away. So don't give up; if something keeps resurfacing in your life, think of my nail beds. Keep washing, and one day, when you're busy living life, you'll look down at your hands and smile seeing that they are perfectly clean.

I realize that I can elevate my experience when washing my hands by being more mindful. As the water flows over my hands, I imagine it cleansing not just the dirt on my skin, but also the emotional and spiritual grime I've accumulated throughout the day. It's a moment of intention—a pause to forgive myself and others, and to release the negativity that doesn't serve me. I get curious about thoughts and events of the last couple hours and take this opportunity to change the story.

This simple act of washing my hands now sets the stage for me to eat with a grateful and clean heart. It’s a way to reset, to start the next few hours with a clean slate, free from the burdens of the past. It reminds me that, just as my hands are washed clean, so too can my soul be refreshed and renewed.

Every time I wash my hands, I now see it as a spiritual ritual—a moment to cleanse not just my body, but my spirit as well. It's a reminder that I have the power to let go of what doesn't serve me, to forgive, and to move forward with a heart that is pure and open to the goodness within and around me.

I've realized that I want this daily act to be more than just a habit—it becomes my simple spiritual practice. Will you join me? Next time you wash your hands, consider it more than just a routine. Let it be a sacred moment of release and renewal. Allow yourself to gently review your last few hours, and choose to simply let go of whatever incident or story has a little charge to it. Be cleansed, not just physically, but spiritually, as you prepare to embrace life with a clean slate and a grateful heart.

Thank you for reading…may you be blessed with great opportunities for growth today!

Deanna, Up Your Vibe


Deanna is very passionate about teaching families how to have healthy, happy homes. Teaching German New Medicine, aka Germanic Healing Knowledge, is her main passion. If you have health challenges or want to learn more about the principles of self-healing and raising your vibration to a life of vibrant health and a fun and adventurous life, here are some options:

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